Unveiling the Untapped Potential: Launching Your Insurance Venture in Wyoming

I've discovered a hidden gem for launching your insurance venture - Wyoming. The advantages are endless: from a business-friendly environment to a regulatory landscape that supports entrepreneurs like us.

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In this article, I'll guide you through the key steps of starting your insurance business in Wyoming and help you explore target market opportunities.

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Get ready to tap into untapped potential and leverage Wyoming's unique advantages for insurance startups. Let's dive in and take control of our future success.

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The Advantages of Starting an Insurance Venture in Wyoming

You'll be pleased to know that starting an insurance venture in Wyoming comes with numerous advantages. The state offers a business-friendly environment, allowing you to establish and grow your insurance business with ease. Wyoming has no corporate or personal income tax, which means more profit for your company and higher earning potential for yourself. Additionally, the regulatory environment is favorable, with streamlined licensing processes and minimal bureaucratic hurdles. This opens up opportunities for quick market entry and expansion.

Furthermore, the low population density in Wyoming creates a unique advantage as it allows you to target niche markets effectively, ensuring a greater chance of success. With these advantages at hand, launching your insurance business in Wyoming puts you on the path towards prosperity and growth.

Now that we've explored the advantages of starting an insurance venture in Wyoming, let's delve into the key steps you need to take to successfully launch your business in this promising state.

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Key Steps to Launching Your Insurance Business in Wyoming

First, make sure to research the key steps required to start your insurance business in Wyoming. The licensing requirements in Wyoming for insurance businesses are crucial to understand before launching your venture.

Here are some important points to consider:

  • Obtain necessary licenses: Apply for the appropriate licenses from the Wyoming Department of Insurance to operate legally.

  • Develop a business plan: Outline your goals, target market, and strategies for success.

  • Secure funding: Determine how much capital you need and explore funding options such as loans or investors.

  • Build a strong team: Assemble a knowledgeable and dedicated team who can contribute to the growth of your business.

  • Embrace insurance product innovation: Stay updated with industry trends and develop innovative insurance products that meet customers' evolving needs.

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Understanding the Regulatory Landscape for Insurance Entrepreneurs in Wyoming

Understanding the regulatory landscape is essential for insurance entrepreneurs in Wyoming to ensure compliance and success in the industry.

As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the regulatory requirements and licensing process in order to navigate through the complexities of the insurance market.

The state of Wyoming has specific regulations in place that govern insurance companies, agents, and brokers. These regulations are designed to protect consumers and maintain a fair marketplace.

To operate legally in Wyoming, insurance entrepreneurs must obtain the appropriate licenses and adhere to ongoing reporting and compliance obligations.

It is important to stay up-to-date with any changes or updates to these regulations as failure to comply can result in penalties or even revocation of your license.

Exploring Target Market Opportunities for Insurance Ventures in Wyoming

To identify potential target market opportunities for your insurance venture in Wyoming, it is important to conduct thorough market research and analyze the needs and preferences of the local population. By performing an insurance market analysis, you can gain valuable insights into the demand for various types of coverage in the state. This will help you tailor your products and services to meet those specific needs.

Additionally, implementing effective customer acquisition strategies will be crucial in reaching your target audience and attracting new clients. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Identify niche markets within Wyoming's population that may have unique insurance needs.
  • Understand the demographics of your potential customers, such as age groups or occupations.
  • Research competitors' offerings and pricing models to differentiate yourself in the market.
  • Leverage digital marketing channels to reach a wider audience and generate leads.
  • Consider partnerships with local businesses or organizations to expand your reach.

Leveraging Wyoming's Business-friendly Environment for Insurance Startups

When starting your insurance startup in Wyoming, you can take advantage of the business-friendly environment to foster growth and success. Wyoming offers numerous funding opportunities for entrepreneurs in the insurance industry.

The state has established programs like the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), which provide grants to innovative startups. Additionally, there are various angel investor networks and venture capital firms that actively seek investment opportunities in Wyoming. These funding options can help fuel your company's expansion and development.

Furthermore, networking events play a crucial role in building connections within the insurance industry. Wyoming hosts several conferences, workshops, and meetups where you can meet potential clients, partners, and mentors. These events provide a platform to showcase your expertise, exchange ideas with industry leaders, and gain insights into emerging trends.

By participating in these networking events, you can establish valuable relationships that may lead to collaborative ventures or strategic partnerships.

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In conclusion, launching an insurance venture in Wyoming offers numerous advantages. The state's business-friendly environment provides a supportive platform for startups to thrive. With its favorable regulatory landscape and untapped market opportunities, Wyoming presents a promising destination for insurance entrepreneurs.

By understanding the key steps involved in setting up your business and leveraging the state's resources, you can tap into the untapped potential of this thriving industry. So take advantage of Wyoming's advantageous conditions and begin your journey towards a successful insurance venture today.

Thanks for reading, for more updates and blog posts about Unveiling the Untapped Potential: Launching Your Insurance Venture in Wyoming don't miss our site - RepelShield2008 We try to update our blog bi-weekly

Achieving Sweet Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Thriving in the Bakery Business in New Jersey

I've always dreamed of owning my own bakery, and now that dream has become a reality.

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In this comprehensive guide, I'll be sharing the secrets to thriving in the bakery business right here in New Jersey.

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From identifying market opportunities to crafting a unique brand identity, we'll cover everything you need to know to achieve sweet success.

So grab your apron and get ready to dive into the world of baking with me as your guide.

Let's make those mouths water and create a buzz around your bakery!

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Identifying Market Opportunities in the Bakery Industry

You'll need to identify market opportunities in the bakery industry to ensure success in your business.

One way to capitalize on these opportunities is through sustainable sourcing. By finding local and organic ingredients for your bakery, you can attract environmentally conscious customers who prioritize quality and ethical practices.

Another strategy is targeting niche markets such as gluten-free or vegan customers. With an increasing number of people following specialized diets, catering to their needs can set your bakery apart from competitors and create a loyal customer base.

By offering a wide range of options that cater to specific dietary restrictions, you position yourself as a go-to destination for those with unique preferences.

Crafting a unique brand identity for your bakery will further distinguish you in the market and help attract customers seeking something different.

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Crafting a Unique Brand Identity for Your Bakery

Crafting a unique brand identity for your bakery involves creating a distinct image that sets you apart from competitors. In order to build customer loyalty and effectively brand your bakery, consider the following strategies:

  • Consistency:
  • Ensure that your brand message is consistent across all platforms, including your website, social media, and physical store.
  • Use consistent visual elements such as logos, colors, and fonts to create recognition and familiarity.

  • Storytelling:

  • Tell the story behind your bakery through engaging narratives that connect with customers on an emotional level.
  • Highlight your unique selling points and values to differentiate yourself from other bakeries in the market.

By implementing these effective branding strategies, you can cultivate a loyal customer base who will choose your bakery over competitors.

Now let's explore the essential equipment and supplies needed for a successful bakery.

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Essential Equipment and Supplies for a Successful Bakery

To ensure a successful bakery, it's important to have the essential equipment and supplies readily available. As a baker myself, I understand the importance of having reliable tools and ingredients at my disposal. Here is a table outlining the key bakery equipment and supplies that are crucial for running a thriving bakery:

Equipment Supplies
Oven Flour
Mixer Sugar
Proofing cabinet Yeast
Baking sheets Butter
Cooling racks Eggs

These are just some examples of the essential items needed in a bakery. The oven is the heart of any baking operation, while mixers are vital for efficiently blending ingredients. Proofing cabinets help dough rise properly, and baking sheets allow for even baking. Cooling racks ensure proper cooling before decorating or packaging. High-quality flour, sugar, yeast, butter, and eggs are fundamental ingredients needed for various recipes.

Creating a Mouthwatering Menu to Tempt Customers

When creating a mouthwatering menu, it's important to consider the preferences and tastes of your potential customers. As a bakery owner, I have learned that creating signature desserts is key to attracting and retaining customers.

To perfect flavor combinations and create unique treats that will keep your patrons coming back for more, follow these tips:

  • Experiment with different ingredients: Try combining unexpected flavors like salted caramel or lavender-infused chocolate.
  • Consider dietary restrictions: Offer gluten-free or vegan options to cater to a wider range of customers.

In addition, don't forget about presentation. Your desserts should not only taste amazing but also look irresistible on the plate. Take time to garnish them with fresh fruit or edible flowers for an extra touch of elegance.

Marketing and Promoting Your Bakery for Maximum Impact

If you want to make your bakery stand out and attract more customers, it's important to focus on marketing and promoting your business effectively. One of the most powerful tools in today's digital age is social media. By utilizing social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you can reach a wide audience and showcase your delectable creations. Engage with your followers by regularly posting mouthwatering photos of your baked goods, sharing behind-the-scenes videos of the baking process, and offering exclusive promotions or discounts. Additionally, forming local partnerships can greatly boost your bakery's visibility within the community. Collaborate with nearby coffee shops or restaurants to cross-promote each other's businesses through special offers or joint events. By implementing these social media strategies and local partnerships, you'll be sure to attract droves of hungry customers to your bakery.

Social Media Strategies Local Partnerships
Regularly post enticing photos on Instagram and Facebook Collaborate with nearby coffee shops for joint events
Share behind-the-scenes baking process videos on Twitter Cross-promote with neighboring restaurants through special offers
Offer exclusive promotions or discounts for social media followers Host pop-up events at local farmers markets or community gatherings

Remember that marketing is all about creating a strong presence for your bakery that entices potential customers while also retaining loyal ones. Put yourself in control of how you present your business to the world by harnessing the power of social media strategies and forging strategic local partnerships.

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In conclusion, starting a bakery business in New Jersey can be a rewarding and profitable venture. By identifying market opportunities, crafting a unique brand identity, and investing in essential equipment and supplies, you can set yourself up for success.

Creating a mouthwatering menu that tempts customers and effectively marketing your bakery will ensure maximum impact. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve sweet success in the bakery industry.

So don't hesitate to take the leap and turn your passion into a thriving business in the vibrant world of baking.

Thanks for checking this article, If you want to read more blog posts about Achieving Sweet Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Thriving in the Bakery Business in New Jersey do check our site - RepelShield2008 We try to update our blog bi-weekly

How to Start an LLC in Vermont

Starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Vermont is an excellent choice for entrepreneurs and small business owners seeking to limit personal liability while enjoying the flexibility and simplicity of managing their business. Vermont offers a favorable business climate and a streamlined procedure for incorporating LLCs. In this article, we will guide you through the process of starting an LLC in Vermont.

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Understand the Benefits of an LLC in Vermont

Before diving into the process, it is essential to be aware of the benefits an LLC can provide in Vermont:

1. Limited Liability: One of the primary reasons people choose to form an LLC is for the personal liability protection it offers. As an LLC owner, your personal assets remain separate from your business's debts and obligations.

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2. Flexibility in Management: LLCs allow for a more flexible management structure compared to corporations. Vermont LLCs can be managed either by their owners (called "member-managed") or by appointed managers (called "manager-managed").

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3. Tax Efficiency: LLCs benefit from pass-through taxation, meaning the business's profits and losses "pass-through" to the owners' tax returns. This avoids double taxation that corporations often face.

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Conduct a Name Search

To commence the LLC registration process, you must choose a unique name for your business. Vermont requires LLC names to be distinguishable from other entities. You can conduct a search using the Vermont Secretary of State's online business search tool to ensure non-duplication.

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Choose a Registered Agent

A registered agent is an individual or entity that receives official documents, legal notices, and service of process on behalf of the LLC. This agent must have a physical address within Vermont. You can choose to appoint yourself as the registered agent or use a professional registered agent service provided by numerous companies.

File the Articles of Organization

After completing the name search and choosing a registered agent, the next step is filing the Articles of Organization with the Vermont Secretary of State. This document can be filed online or by mail. The Articles of Organization require the following information:

- LLC Name: Provide the chosen name of your Vermont LLC.

- Principal Office: State the initial office address of your LLC.

- Registered Agent: Include the name and address of the registered agent you have chosen.

- Management Structure: Specify whether the LLC will be member-managed or manager-managed.

- Effective Date: You can indicate a specific date for your LLC to become effective, or you can choose an alternate date.

The filing fee for the Articles of Organization in Vermont is $125 whether submitted online or by mail.

Create an Operating Agreement

Although not mandatory in Vermont, creating an operating agreement is highly recommended as it establishes the LLC's internal operating rules and specifies the rights and responsibilities of the members. This agreement also helps maintain the liability protection offered by the LLC.

Obtain an EIN

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is required for tax purposes and enables your LLC to hire employees, open business bank accounts, and file tax returns. You can obtain an EIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for free, either online or by mail.

Register for State Taxes

Vermont LLCs may be subject to certain state taxes, such as sales tax or use tax, depending on the nature of their business activities. To ensure compliance, you must register your LLC for taxation purposes by visiting the Vermont Department of Taxes website or contacting them directly.

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Depending on your industry and the location of your LLC's operations, you may need to obtain specific licenses and permits. Vermont offers an online portal, the Vermont Permit Locator, to facilitate this process. Ensure you research local regulations and obtain the required licenses to operate your LLC legally.

Maintain Compliance

After successfully starting your LLC, it is crucial to maintain compliance with Vermont's ongoing requirements. These include filing an Annual Report and paying the corresponding fee, filling out required tax forms, and maintaining accurate business records. Failing to comply with ongoing requirements can lead to penalties or dissolution of the LLC.

In conclusion, starting an LLC in Vermont offers entrepreneurs and small business owners many advantages, including limited personal liability, tax efficiency, and management flexibility. By following the steps outlined above, you can establish your Vermont LLC smoothly and pave the way for a successful business venture. Remember to consult with legal and tax professionals to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Good luck on your journey to becoming a successful LLC owner in Vermont!

Thanks for reading, for more updates and blog posts about How to Start an LLC in Vermont don't miss our homepage - RepelShield2008 We try to write our blog every week

Best Bank for Small Business in New Mexico: A Comprehensive Review

If you are a small business owner in New Mexico, one of the most crucial decisions you'll have to make is choosing the right bank to partner with. As a small business, you need a bank that understands your unique needs, provides tailored financial solutions, and offers excellent customer service. In this article, we will explore the best banks for small businesses in New Mexico and provide a comprehensive review of their offerings. Whether you're a startup, a sole proprietorship, or an established business, this guide will help you find the perfect bank that suits your needs.

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1. Bank of Albuquerque

Bank of Albuquerque is a reliable choice for small businesses in New Mexico. With its expansive branch network and dedicated business banking team, Bank of Albuquerque has built a reputation for offering comprehensive financial solutions for small businesses.

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Features and Benefits:

- Tailored Financial Solutions: Bank of Albuquerque offers a range of checking and savings accounts specifically designed for small businesses. Their Business Edge Checking account is a popular choice among entrepreneurs, providing unlimited transactions and online banking services.

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- Cash Management Services: Small businesses often need to manage their cash flow efficiently. Bank of Albuquerque offers various cash management services, including merchant services, remote deposit capture, and ACH services, to help streamline financial operations.

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- Business Loans and Lines of Credit: Bank of Albuquerque understands the importance of capital for business growth. They offer flexible business loans and lines of credit with competitive interest rates and repayment terms.

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- Online and Mobile Banking: With Bank of Albuquerque's online and mobile banking services, you can manage your business finances anytime, anywhere. These services include mobile check deposits, bill payment, funds transfers, and customizable account alerts.

- Top-Notch Customer Service: Bank of Albuquerque is known for providing excellent customer service to its clients. Their dedicated business banking team is always available to address your concerns and provide financial guidance.

2. First National Rio Grande

First National Rio Grande is a community bank that prioritizes the needs of small businesses. With its local focus and commitment to personalized service, it has emerged as a prominent bank for small business owners in New Mexico.

Features and Benefits:

- Small Business Checking and Savings Accounts: First National Rio Grande offers tailored checking and savings accounts designed specifically for small businesses. Their Business Checking Plus account is a standout product, offering no monthly maintenance fees and a low opening deposit requirement.

- Treasury Management Services: Small businesses can benefit from First National Rio Grande's comprehensive suite of treasury management services, including online and mobile banking, eStatements, ACH origination, and wire transfers.

- Business Financing Solutions: First National Rio Grande understands that small businesses often need financing options. They provide business loans, lines of credit, and commercial real estate mortgages with competitive rates and flexible terms.

- Business Credit Cards: First National Rio Grande offers business credit cards to help manage your cash flow and expenses effectively. These cards come with competitive rates, customizable spending limits, and rewards programs.

- Valuable Relationship Banking: One of the advantages of banking with First National Rio Grande is their commitment to fostering relationships with their customers. They take the time to understand your business goals and provide personalized financial solutions accordingly.

3. Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo is a well-established bank that offers a wide range of banking products and services tailored for small businesses. With a strong presence in New Mexico and a reputation for reliability, Wells Fargo is worth considering for your small business banking needs.

Features and Benefits:

- Simplified Small Business Accounts: Wells Fargo offers a variety of small business checking and savings accounts suitable for different industries and business needs. Their Platinum Business Checking account is a popular choice, providing unlimited transactions, online banking, and mobile banking services.

- Payment Processing Solutions: Small businesses often need efficient payment processing systems. Wells Fargo offers a suite of payment solutions, including merchant services, credit card processing, and online payment gateways.

- Business Planning Tools: Wells Fargo provides valuable resources and tools to help small businesses plan and grow. They offer business planning guides, financial calculators, cash flow trackers, and budgeting tools to assist in managing your business finances effectively.

- Business Lines of Credit and Loans: As a small business, you may require additional working capital or funds for expansion. Wells Fargo offers business lines of credit and loans with competitive rates and personalized guidance from their experienced business bankers.

- Online Security and Fraud Prevention: With the increasing mandate for online banking, security is of paramount importance. Wells Fargo employs robust security measures and provides educational resources to help small business owners protect their financial data and prevent fraud.


Choosing the right bank for your small business in New Mexico can make a significant impact on your financial success. Bank of Albuquerque, First National Rio Grande, and Wells Fargo are three top-notch options worth considering. Each bank offers tailored financial solutions, comprehensive banking services, and excellent customer support – all crucial aspects for small businesses looking to thrive.

Evaluate your specific business needs and compare the features and benefits of each bank. Schedule meetings or consultations with their business banking teams to determine which bank aligns best with your goals and requirements. Remember, choosing the right bank partner can make all the difference in achieving your small business dreams in New Mexico. Good luck!

Thank you for reading, If you want to read more articles about Best Bank for Small Business in New Mexico: A Comprehensive Review do check our site - RepelShield2008 We try to update the site every week

Best Colorado Registered Agent Services For Your Business

Running a business in Colorado comes with many responsibilities, and one of the most important is maintaining an effective registered agent service. Having a reliable registered agent is crucial for ensuring that your business remains in compliance with state regulations and to receive important legal documents.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best colorado registered agent services that can provide you with excellent support and ensure your business operates smoothly.

Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest Registered Agent is widely regarded as one of the best registered agent services in the country. They go above and beyond by providing personalized and efficient support to their clients. Here are some key features of Northwest Registered Agent:

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- **Nationwide Coverage:** If your business expands beyond state borders, Northwest Registered Agent is well-equipped to handle registration in multiple states and provide you with a single location for all correspondence.

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- **Privacy Protection:** They offer a level of privacy that is unrivaled in the industry. No one wants their personal address to be publicly available, and Northwest Registered Agent shields your personal information from public records.

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- **Prompt Document Delivery:** Northwest prides itself on its scanning and local document delivery department. This ensures that important documents are delivered quickly and accurately, saving you time and effort.

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- **Real-time Compliance Monitoring:** Having a dedicated registered agent who monitors your compliance can be a lifesaver. Northwest Registered Agent keeps track of important filing deadlines, annual reports, and other compliance requirements to ensure your business is always up to date.

NorthWest Registered Agent has a trusted reputation for delivering exceptional service, making them an excellent choice for your Colorado registered agent needs.


If you are looking for a Colorado registered agent service that also offers business formation services, Incfile is an outstanding option. Incfile specializes in providing business entity formation services coupled with registered agent support. Here are some notable features of Incfile:

- **Affordable Pricing:** Incfile offers budget-friendly packages that provide great value for startups and small businesses. Their basic package includes registered agent service, making it a cost-effective solution.

- **Business Formation Services:** In addition to registered agent services, Incfile assists entrepreneurs in efficiently forming their LLCs or corporations. This one-stop-shop approach allows you to streamline the process of starting your business.

- **Intuitive Client Dashboard:** Their client dashboard provides easy access to important documents, compliance dates, and notifications. Managing your business-related paperwork has never been easier.

- **Experienced Support Team:** Incfile boasts a knowledgeable support team that is readily available to address any queries or concerns you may have along the way.


LegalZoom is a popular choice when it comes to registered agent services in Colorado due to their well-established reputation and comprehensive range of legal solutions. While they offer more than just registered agent services, they still provide quality support in this area. Here's what makes LegalZoom stand out:

- **Brand Reputation:** LegalZoom is a name trusted by thousands of businesses and entrepreneurs nationwide. They have been in the industry for years, and their experience is evident in the quality of their services.

- **Additional Legal Solutions:** Apart from registered agent services, LegalZoom offers a variety of legal solutions like business formation, trademark registration, and legal document preparation. This makes them a versatile option for all your business needs.

- **24/7 Customer Service:** LegalZoom understands the urgency of addressing concerns, which is why their customer service helpline operates round the clock. You can rely on their support team whenever an issue arises.


Choosing the right registered agent service is crucial for smooth business operations and proper compliance with Colorado state regulations. The above-mentioned registered agent service providers offer exceptional support, reliable privacy protection, real-time compliance monitoring, and user-friendly platforms.

Consider your business needs, budget, and the level of service you require before making a final decision. With the right registered agent service, you can focus on running your business with peace of mind knowing that your legal affairs are in safe hands.

Thank you for checking this blog post, If you want to read more blog posts about Best Colorado Registered Agent Services For Your Business don't miss our homepage - RepelShield2008 We try to write our site bi-weekly