How To Hide Whatsapp Chat Messages From Other People

how to hide whatsapp chat

If you wish to learn how to hide whatsapp chat history, there are some simple steps to follow. Many mobile devices, including iPhones and Blackberries, allow users to see each other's text messages for up to two years. However, some carriers and individual wireless plans do not allow connection to those numbers, even though they may be connected to the same network. This is because such information is considered private and is only accessible by the user and his or her intended recipients. There are some ways around this, and I will explain them in this article.

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One of the ways of how to hide whatsapp chat from your iphone is to turn off the messaging application. Anytime you check ios messenger, it will present a list of conversations in the chat windows. These conversations are visible to everyone else on your network and you might not want others to be able to read them. Simply go into" Messages" and look for the section marked" Shared Contacts" and turn it off.


Another way of how to hide whatsapp chat is to minimize it from the main menu and then tap the overflow button at the top right. This will hide it from your phone's main home screen. To do this, touch and hold on to the phone's home button until you reach the overflow menu then select "ailable". Wait for a few seconds until a message appears then again touch the overflow button. You'll notice that the chat is now invisible.

How to Hide Whatsapp Chat Messages From Other People


Some phones such as the iPhone can also be set to hide certain groups of conversations, such as ones that are created on a specific group or individual. To do this, simply touch the "chat" tab on the user interface then select "omnia" or "group". You'll find that the chats have been moved to the group chat list. It's very easy to turn off these options if you don't need them, but for added security you can keep them hidden so that even if someone else in your company wants to see a specific one, they will have to go into the "shared contacts" list and then search for it.


The second step in how to hide whatsapp chat messages is to turn off the feature that allows them to appear on your phone. You can do this by going to "Settings" on your phone and selecting "permutable filters". These are options which you can change to match your preferences. If you've never used the feature before, you'll need to set it to off. Again, the "imenuities" tab in the settings should be selected. Next, touch "Off" to block the chats from appearing.


The third step on how to hide whatsapp chat messages is to ensure that they are not actually deleted from your phone. To do this, you can go to "Settings" again and touch the "ramifications" tab. This controls the ways in which the messages are played back on your device and will make sure that they're not deleted unless you specifically enable them in the playback section of the" Settings "page.


The fourth step is to disable the feature that allows people to view your conversations by pressing on the play icon on the chat screen. To do this, touch the "No Plays" button on the far right of the play icon. This will prevent other users from being able to view your conversations. When you have disabled this icon, only the person you want to see your conversations will be able to do so.


The final step is to touch the "Yes" button next to "Off". This ensures that all messages are deleted along with any audio or video that was recorded as well. It will then proceed to permanently deleting all traces of the discussion from your devices. It will also prevent the recipient from viewing your chats in the future. If you perform all the steps outlined above, you should be able to hide your Whatsapp chat messages from other people.

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